The Access to Justice Committee is composed of legal professionals committed to ensuring equal justice under the law for all Ohioans. The committee advocates for adequate funding for civil legal services, pro bono service and other public interest programs.
last person joined 3 days ago
Administrative law encompasses matters related to the powers, procedures and acts of public agencies and executive officials. In particular, the Administrative Law Committee's focus regards rule-making and adjudicatory procedures of Ohio’s state and local government agencies, as well as the scope of judicial review over those agencies actions.
last person joined 5 days ago
The Agricultural Law Committee is concerned with state and federal legal matters governing the cultivation of various crops and the raising and management of livestock.
last person joined 25 days ago
The Animal Law Committee is for legal professionals interested in non-human, animal-related legal matters and associated humane considerations.
The Antitrust Law Section Council are members of the section appointed by the OSBA president to discuss implement programs and events to further the work of the section and serve its members.
last person joined 7 months ago
The Antitrust Law Section Council includes members of the section who are appointed by the OSBA president to discuss and implement programs and events that further the work of the section and serve its members.
last person joined one month ago
The Aviation Law Committee provides an interactive forum for legal professionals interested in the equipment and facilities for passenger and cargo air travel, as well as associated legal and business concerns.
This committee provides a forum for legal professionals interested in banking, commercial and bankruptcy law, which encompasses debtor/creditor rights, secured transactions, negotiable instruments, commercial leasing, Article 9 of the UCC, etc.
The Construction Law Committee's community is for legal professionals interested in legal matters related to the design, building, construction or development of real estate, structures and infrastructure.
last person joined 13 days ago
The Corporate Counsel Section Council is composed of section members who are appointed by the OSBA president to discuss and implement programs and events that further the work of the section and serve its members.
The Corporation Law Committee is concerned with legal matters related to corporate formation, management and dissolution, including mergers and acquisitions. The committee proposes, reviews and comments on state laws and regulations.
The Criminal Justice Committee is composed of judges, prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys who are interested in the legal and procedural aspects of criminal law. The committee reviews and comments on proposed laws and rules affecting the rights of the accused.
The Education Law Committee is involved with the regulation of public and private schools, educational institutions and facilities and education requirements, including school board and school district administration and operations, required curricula and instruction methods, athletic and extracurricular activities, discrimination and liability and faculty, as well as staff and student relations.
last person joined 21 days ago
The Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law Section Council includes members of the section who are appointed by the OSBA president to discuss and implement programs and events to further the work of the section and serve its members.
The Ethics Committee considers and acts on the broad range of issues that affect the legal ethics and professional conduct of Ohio lawyers and judges. The committee makes recommendations on such issues to the Board of Governors, the Council of Delegates and to the members of the Ohio legal community.
Family Law Committee members are interested in the legal regulation of family relationships including spouses, parents, children, guardians, wards and domestic partners. Legal issues include marriage, domestic violence, divorce, child custody, marital property rights, paternity and parental rights and obligations.
The Federal Courts & Practice committee is composed of legal professionals who practice before federal courts and agencies. Members of the committee interact regularly with federal judges in Ohio, many of whom are members of the committee.
The Health Care Law Committee's legal professionals are interested in the regulation of hospitals, healthcare facilities, health maintenance organizations and health care professionals. Legal issues include accreditation, licensing, certification and registration requirements, antitrust matters and unfair trade practices, health insurance or managed care plans, claims practices and procedures, peer review or utilization review procedures and alternative medical treatments.
The Insurance Law Committee provides a forum for lawyers interested in the regulation of the insurance industry, including the licensing, certification and approval of types of insurance policies or plans covering life, health or managed care, as wells as property and casualty lines of business.
The Insurance Staff Counsel is delighted to offer this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in the insurance defense aspect of litigation. The committee's goal for this community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
The Intellectual Property Section is for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to intellectual property law.
The Intellectual Property Law Section Council are members of the section appointed by the OSBA president to discuss implement programs and events to further the work of the section and serve its members.
The Justice Administration & Legal Reform Committee offers an interactive community for lawyers interested in the operation of Ohio courts, including rules of practice and evidence, funding, access and efficiency.
The Juvenile Law Committee is interested in child welfare (health, safety and placement or custody) and the rules and procedures for dealing with juvenile delinquency, status offenses or dependency.
The Labor and Employment Section is for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to labor and employment law.
The Litigation Section is delighted to offer this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in all aspects of a litigation practice. The Sections goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
The Media Law Committee is delighted to offer this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to media law. The committee's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
last person joined 28 days ago
The Military and Veterans Affairs Committee provides a forum for legal professionals concerned with the welfare and administration of programs and services that benefit active military, as well as veterans and their families.
last person joined 12 days ago
The Natural Resources Law Committee is delighted to offer this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to natural resources law. The committee's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
last person joined 11 days ago
This community fosters connections among law students and legal professionals from around the state.
last discussions posted 4 years ago
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The Paralegal Committee is delighted to offer this interactive forum for paralegal professionals interested in the professional development for paralegals. the committee's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
The Public Utilities and Energy Law Committee provides this interactive community for lawyers interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to public utilities law and practice in Ohio.
The Real Property Section is for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to real property law.
The Real Property Section Council is composed of members of the section appointed by the OSBA president to discuss and implement programs and events to further the work of the section and serve its members.
The Senior Lawyers Section offers this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in providing guidance and assistance to senior lawyers in preparing for and adjusting to changes in their professional life and financial activities and in assisting lawyers, regardless of their age, whose practice includes the handling of legal matters for clients who are in their “senior” stage of life. This Community is provides a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
The Taxation Committee is delighted to offer this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in legislation, regulation, case law and policy pertaining to tax laws of interest to businesses, organizations and individuals in Ohio.
The Traffic Law Committee offers this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in regulatory, legislative and judicial matters related to traffic law. The committee's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
last person joined 2 days ago
The Women in the Profession Section offers this interactive forum for legal professionals interested in furthering the professional and personal lives of women lawyers. The section's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
The Young Lawyers Section is focused on providing its members with opportunities for professional development. The section's goal for this Community is to provide a resource to help members communicate with each other and share resources.
1700 Lake Shore Drive Columbus, Ohio 43204
Contact Information
8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Monday - Friday